Thursday, March 13, 2014

Review: Kissing: A Field Guide by Violet Blue

Kissing: A Field Guide by Violet Blue
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ISBN-10: 1627780408
ISBN-13: 978-1627780407
Story Rating: 4 out of 5
Maybe you consider yourself an expert in kissing or maybe you are brand new to the wonderful exploration of mouths and tongues. Whatever you current experience, Kissing: A Field Guide is here to help. It is easy to think that one knows all there is to know about kissing: you pucker, put two mouths together, and see what happens. Boom! You are done. Oh, does Violet Blue have news for you. There is so much more to kissing to be learned.

Broken down into nine chapters, this sweet little book is an informative read. Within it you find, multiple ways to signal you want a kiss. The author provides numerous clues including: looking to the lips, imitation of body language, and close physical proximity. Blue also explains in relatable ways how to tell your potential kissing partner you would like to take things slow. This realistic touch adds to the nuance of the book. It allows for the reader to be able to come into kissing at any level and provides a pathway to get them kissing when and how they want.

Blue goes on to explain ways to prepare yourself for kissing sessions by setting the right mood. She encourages the reader to allow their full senses to take part in the readying process with notes on everything from foods to eat, lip treatments for softness, and even words and music to get you feeling ready for kissing. The author continues to come forward in detailed ways that are unexpected and much appreciated. She took the time to consider all possibilities within the kissing realm and it shows in the book by reminding the reader of how important all aspects of a kiss are not just the moment the kiss actually takes place.

The book allows for a good mix of kissing styles. You are not expected to be one kind of kisser or just enjoy one kind of kiss in return. In fact, you are encouraged mix and match styles and to create a new approach as well if exploring new frontiers of kissing if that is your thing. Be a pioneer in the field! Still, Blue provides handy overall tips and tricks for the do's and don'ts of the kissing world, just in case you need some help along the way. Plus, if you botch your kiss the author has realistic responses for how to make your next kiss all the better.

Going from setting the mood to getting psychologically and physically prepared, Kissing: A Field Guide takes on the whole scope of kissing possibilities in a positive way. The only downside is that the book addresses kissing from a heterosexual female's perspective, yet the information and techniques provided can easily transcend heterosexual limitation and should. Overall, the book is a wonderful look into the topic of kissing and one can't help but feel ready for a kiss while reading it!

Reviewed by Jasmine

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